The Gasell survey ranks Sweden's most successful companies. Less than 1 percent of Sweden's limited companies meet the requirements to be called Gasell companies.

A Gasell Company has:
-Net sales that exceed SEK 10 million, according to the latest annual report.
-At least ten employees, according to the latest annual report.
-At least doubled its turnover, if you compare the first and most recent financial year in the four-year survey period.
-Increased its turnover every year for the past three years.
-A positive overall operating profit for the last four financial years.
-In essence, grown organically, not through acquisitions or mergers.
- Healthy finances.

From 2021 all reconitions are awarded using SaaS software TRUE, a system which automatically allows organisations to generate and distributes blockchain-secured documents such as Awards and Diplomas, making each document impossible to falsify or destroy.

TRUE Original provide a great way for Dagens Industri to understand when, where and how the Gasell-Diplomas with accompanied Badges are being used, as the system tracks shares and views for the entire lifetime of each issued Document.

Click to read more about DI Gasell, and the view the animated and secured Diplomas here:

Di Gasell Gala in Blå Hallen